Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Winter is in the Air

It is fair to say that with the chilled air, frost and scattered flurries, winter is definitely here. The days are getting shorter and colder making it more challenging to run. It has become a battle but the importance of training increases with the marathon just a little over four months away. On the cold nights, when the flannel pajamas are more snug then running shoes it is so easy to say no. I am thankful for my running group as they provide me with the motivation to get out the door (at least one night a week)...I can leave the other two runs for the weekend.

My legs are falling apart. The cold has attacked them and brought on dry skin where only so much moisturizer can help. I scratch a lot much so that I've bruised and have drawn blood. It's not pretty but in a strange sort of way its worth it! Although the end of term has exhausted me to no end, I feel great! I will be challenging myself to a 10 mile run this weekend for my long run of training. Up to this point I've only ran I will be sure to keep you posted on the success of it!

I plan on purchasing some long running pants (trousers for you UK readers) to help aid the dry skin. I'm sure the exposure of my shin and calves with three-quarter ones aren't helping...My runs will be increasing to four a week from now 'til the marathon race...eek! My next challenge now is running over the Christmas holiday.