Wednesday, 15 September 2010

The Fly

The fly is a creature that flies around and, well, enjoys being a fly. Its bad points include hanging around horse manure. The good points is that they are seriously fun to smoosh with a fly swatter--my favorite! The trouble is, what do you do when you are running in wooded area and as you inhale you literally devour every fly in sight? Today, that was my challenge. I believe I spent more time and energy trying to dodge the suckers than actually running. Then, I began to wonder if they thought I was manure...did I actually smell that bad? or were they just hanging around the damp areas as they tend to do. I prefer the later reasoning. I believe a fly even has more friends than you and I, and that includes our facebook friends. There are millions of them hanging out in a large group having a big social gathering and just being in the way. Don't they have anything better to do? For mid-week, it was a short 4 mile run but satisfying. Let's hope those flies mind their own business next time.

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